Our mission is to give life. So far, our efforts - with the support of many others - have increased the donor numbers on the SABMR to over 71 000 as at 30th September 2015! This is a wonderful achievement, yet more needs to be done.Sunflower Fund

about the sunflower fund
The Sunflower Fund, a National Non-Profit Company (NPC), is an organisation in South Africa dedicated to creating awareness, educating the public and handling the registration process for people to join the South African Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR). The Sunflower Fund pays for the test cost of people joining the SABMR.
By increasing the number of donors listed on the national database, this offers hope to children and adults diagnosed with leukaemia and other life-threatening blood disorders. Higher numbers on the Registry increase their chance of finding matching bone marrow stem cell donors in order to undergo life-saving bone marrow stem cell transplants.
What We Do
Education, awareness, recruitment and testing of donors are inextricably linked. The one activity cannot happen in isolation of the other. In order to continue this valuable work, The Sunflower Fund relies solely and requires ongoing assistance from the general public and Corporate SA.
It takes just two test tubes of blood to become registered as a bone marrow stem cell donor but it costs The Sunflower Fund R2000 to tissue type that sample at the required molecular (DNA) level. The blood samples are analysed and the individuals data is then stored on the SABMR until the age of 60 years old.
Toll-free Call Centre
Freephone: 0800 12 10 82
For all Donor Recruitment and Queries, including Information, Change of Address (or other details), Fundraising and Donations.